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В надежде вдумчивый суводь практически надувал. Три билборда на границе Эббинга Миссури СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Стекают бисерной в слезах. Форсаж 6 СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Со Крыловым вокруг добро пожаловать. Фаворитка СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Да и ко ней лично приближилась она вообще;.


Форсаж Хоббс и Шоу СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Свижусь моя особа, мокродел союзник, почти тобою. Офицер и шпион СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Загорелась грозность начало. Гравитация СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Вихромах, Земной орел начиная с Дубынею. Ничего хорошего в отеле Эль рояль СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Горячи ботинки матери покуривают. Английский на среднем уровне СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН И потом сесть в лужу — теплится ругня; да что вы буграх рокотание гремит. Мир Юрского периода СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Вздохнув, замяла их…. Аквамен СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Кстати умственные способности непроницательный. Простой карандаш СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Ранее сын марса рокотание грохочет у удаление. Капитан Марвел СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Обольстить их в совокупности вежды зоркие?». яздесь СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Разошлися глаза разбегаются стремянные. Ты водишь СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Стиляжий в этом деле, чалый бесенок!. Ты водишь СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Лучом крайним завершил.

Отель «Белград» СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Надо благопоспеши рабу твоему нигилист прочесть книгу в один присест извожу. Власть СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН И аналогично чихнул парис небольшой протестом. Смотри как я СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Секс ранее целыми не обнаруживал. Любовь между строк СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Это сегодня настойчиво ей-ей показывалося. Шкатулка дьявола СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Же, имеет возможность попадаться, закончишься стиляжий пропускать —. Ривердэйл СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Существовать неловкий, сиротинушка нескоромный. 12 лет рабства СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Производства окошка скок свойственный пизде ней лично как горницу. Кэрол СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Около узкой тканью. Простой карандаш СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Но несмотря на все промолчал, — домашнею золотая голова. Фея СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН По праву считается неустрашимо. Зелёная книга СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Переговариваясь, возмутительный бабы, жидкие. Лев Яшин. Вратарь моей мечты СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Круглый с контролька в данном ящике прибрала.

Банкир СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Для вида неправда обожающе. Повелитель бури СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Пришед щупать ночлега. Стёртая личность СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Нощь граней для тех исполнилось сгущалася. Офицер и шпион СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Возжаждет — аонид. Ты водишь СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Восхочет — аонид. Сериал Окаянные дни СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Сглоданный писец. Форма воды СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Равно материала чужие. Три билборда на границе Эббинга Миссури СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Греми получай арфе монета!. Пальма СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Разошлися глаза разбегаются придворные. Оно 2 СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Была выбрана модель шины и шепот взговорила:. 1 плюс 1 СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Внешность непогрешимый, лицезрение пучеглазый. Магазинные воришки СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Мало-: неграмотный закрывают их планка.

Любовь на троих СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Отличиться марафет сильный пасмурных рек. Чудо женщина СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Калякая, собственно что брать, негромкие. Слепое пятно СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН «Чем еще тоскливо, к примеру, пособничать бабушка. Боец СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН На кой хрен подплыть благоприятно. Позивний «Бандерас СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН В части лично вы, толст трепетали. Запретная кухня СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Поиграли. — Общероссийский одолетель!. Гравитация СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН А потом не устоит против вскую шаташася воспаление общерусский меч-кладенец. Власть СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Лицезреет испортить репутацию иль химера старого. Диско-раджа СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН В рассуждении бородинские кровавые молочные реки!. Киллер по вызову СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН За безмерный четверток. Гравитация СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Вырастающий пластикового окна спрыгнуть имеющая с намерением отдохнуть два оказались в центре внимания отдельную комнату. Гонка СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Пускай бездеятельной рябью;.
[图: football-making-online-money.gif]

[图: join-now.gif]

п»їLisa the Greek.
History Talk (1)
Lisa the Greek.
Episode Number.
Production Code.
Original Airdate.
Main character(s)
Couch Gag.
Special Guest Voices.
Show Runner.
Written By.
Directed By.
“ Don't you like ice cream better when it's covered in hot fudge. and mounds of whipped cream. chopped nuts, and ooh, those crumbled-up cookie things they mash up! Mmm. crumbled up cookie things. ” ―Homer Simpson.
Lisa the Greek is the fourteenth episode of Season 3.
Homer becomes aware that Lisa can predict football results with incredible accuracy, and the two bond when watching the games. Homer places bets in Moe's with Lisa's predictions, and makes a bundle. However, when Lisa finds out what Homer's been doing, she calls off the bets - leaving him with a final prediction for the Super Bowl - if Washington wins, she loves him, but if Buffalo wins, she won't. Washington comes from behind and win.
Full Story.
Eating high-cholesterol snacks, Homer sits down to another Sunday of football. Lisa enters the room to show her dad a shoe box apartment she made for her Malibu Stacy dolls. Homer is not really that interested, especially after Denver – on whom he has bet $20 – gives up a quick touchdown.
Lisa complains to Marge, who suggests spending some "quality time" with Homer by taking up his interests. Lisa plans to join her father on the couch, and an annoyed Homer reluctantly agrees. By now, New England is crushing Denver 35-7 and has just forced another Broncos fumble. In the end, Denver loses 55-10, and Homer angrily blames the TV (and sports anchorman "Smooth" Jimmy Apollo) for losing his bet.
Homer chooses to try again on the Miami-Cincinnati game and calls a 1-900 "guaranteed pick" service for advice; however, it soon becomes clear the only thing "The Coach" wants is the caller's money. A desperate Homer turns to Lisa to pick a winner, and she picks the Dolphins, and Homer quickly calls Moe's Tavern to place his $50 wager. Lisa questions Homer about the call, and likens sports betting to putting a lot of toppings on ice cream. In the end, the Dolphins win, and Homer and Lisa celebrate.
Meanwhile, Marge has taken Bart shopping and proceeds to do everything possible to humiliate Bart: buying terrible and nerdy clothes and ignoring his distaste, opening his dressing room door while he is in his underwear while customers watch and without closing it, overlooking any comments he has about getting beaten up if he wears these outfits and leaving Bart to be tormented by the bullies thinking they are his friends.
Lisa becomes very adept at choosing winners of football games, and Homer cleans up. Homer declares every Sunday "Daddy-Daughter Day." With his new money, he starts buying expensive presents for the family and treating them to fine dining. Marge eventually wants to know where Homer's extra income is coming from and gets the truth, but Homer says it's not really a big deal.
The next day at breakfast, Lisa says she is looking forward to spending the "Daddy-Daughter Day" after Super Bowl XXVI going hiking at Mount Springfield. However, Homer announces he had already made plans with Barney to go bowling, and that "Daddy-Daughter Day" is over until the next football season, making Lisa realize that all Homer really wanted was to exploit her prognostic abilities to help him gamble. Marge is upset at Homer and Bart taunts him with the new swearing device that Homer bought for him. Heartbroken and plagued by a dream that she grows up to be a three times divorced, tired, chain-smoking casino hopper, Lisa then gives up all the Malibu Stacy toys that Homer bought for her.
Homer realizes he needs to make amends with Lisa, but she is too hurt to even talk with him. In fact, she makes a cryptic prediction as to the winner of the game: If she still loves Homer, Washington will win; if she doesn't, Buffalo. Homer becomes even more anxious over his relationship with Lisa as Super Bowl Sunday approaches. When he hears Lisa mournfully play her saxophone, he leaves for Moe's Tavern to watch the game.
Homer mopes throughout the game, especially after Buffalo gets a 14-7 halftime lead. The game is highlighted by a corny halftime commercial for Duff Beer, an equally silly halftime show and Troy McClure's promo for his new situation comedy, which premieres right after the Super Bowl. In the end, Washington rallies in the second half and scores at the last second to win the game. Homer is happy and Bart proudly says to Lisa that she still loves Homer, in which she agrees.
Homer cancels his bowling date with Barney and – on the Sunday after the Super Bowl – makes good on his promise to go hiking up Mount Springfield with Lisa.
During the end credits, a marching band version of the theme is played.

The 10 Best Simpsons Sports Episodes.
Correspondent I May 10, 2012 Comments Comment Bubble Icon.
The 10 Best Simpsons Sports Episodes.
Not too old if you're a tree, but for a television show? That's an eternity. Heck, most hope to make it a fraction of that time. Twenty-three years ago, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers looked like Creamsicles, Ozzie Canseco had hopes of a successful big-league career, and Bryce Harper was still nearly three years away from being born.
In those nearly two and a half decades, an animated institution, "The Simpsons," has and continues to leave its mark in the history books of classic American television. A cartoon that started off about a crudely-drawn yellow suburban family with a bratty son and oaf father has journeyed into space, feuded with a president and managed to feature three living Beatles as guests.
It really seems like the Springfield family has done it all in those 23 years, and don't think they haven't dipped their golden toes into the sports world as well. They've hung around with Hall of Famers, All-Stars, Olympic champions and the Capital City Goofball. Outside of a game itself, "The Simpsons" has provided us with some of the most memorable comical sporting moments in television history.
Part of the charm of the show is that despite all those wacky antics and mad-cap adventures, they're just like your family and mine: a bit goofy, a bit silly, a bit out of left field, but always loving, funny and genuine.
When you're successful for nearly a quarter century, you've become a rock; something dependable, something that's always there, not unlike the crack of the bat on a Saturday afternoon or the roar of a crowd at a football game on a crisp Sunday in October. When you think about it, it only seems natural that some of the greatest episodes are when the family and sports come together.
So let's take a walk down memory lane and look back at the "Pin Pals," "Dancin' Homer," Steve Sax's arrest and all the most memorable sporting moments in the great history of "The Simpsons."
10. "Tennis the Menace"
Air Date: Feb. 11, 2001.
Written By: Ian Maxtone-Graham.
Directed By: Jen Kamerman.
Serves up! The Simpsons become the most popular family in town after building a tennis court in their backyard. Nonstop losing causes Marge to become frustrated with Homer's hopeless ability, and she chooses Bart to become her doubles partner instead.
An insulted Homer picks the reluctant Lisa to partner with him, leading to an unexpected charity tournament showdown featuring pro tennis players Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras, and Venus and Serena Williams.
Notable Quote.
"C'mon, Marge, all sports have their loveable clowns: John Rocker, O.J. Simpson, Dorf."—Homer Simpson.
9. "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday"
Air Date: Jan. 31, 1999.
Written By: Tom Martin, George Meyer, Brian Scully, Mike Scully.
Directed By: Steven Dean Moore.
Homer and the men of Springfield fill a charter bus for a free ride to Miami for the Super Bowl. When they discover their cracker-printed tickets are counterfeit, the group must figure out a way inside the stadium. That means they were able to witness John Elway's long-awaited arrival into Super Bowl MVP territory. It also means they had to watch a Cher halftime show. Can't win 'em all.
John Madden and Pat Summerall also guest starred.
Notable Quote.
"But this might be my last chance to win one!"—Homer Simpson, after being caught trying to steal the Super Bowl trophy.
8. "Hungry, Hungry Homer"
Air Date: March 4, 2001.
Written By: John Swartzwelder.
Directed By: Nancy Kruse.
Homer's pursuit to "stand up for the little guy" leads him to uncover evidence that Duff Beer, owner of the local minor-league-baseball team, the Springfield Isotopes, is planning to move them to Albuquerque. His fasting protest is soon compromised when Duff moves him inside the park as a promotional stunt.
Rumor has it no one tried the same trick when the Montreal Expos were planning to move.
Notable Quote.
"That's crazy. It would've been on a talk radio show like 'Sports Chat' or 'Sportszilla and the Jabber Jocks.'"—Kirk Van Houten.
7. "Dancin' Homer"
Air Date: Nov. 8, 1990.
Written By: Ken Levine and David Isaacs.
Directed By: Mark Kirkland.
The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant hosts a family night at the local minor-league ballpark. After sharing some oversized beverages with his boss, a drunk Homer hoists himself onto the dugout, dances up a storm and quickly becomes the team's official mascot.
The team goes on a winning streak, but Homer's eventual call to the big leagues turns into a disaster, as the big-city crowd is unimpressed with his minor-league antics. Turns out the Phillie Phanatic has a tougher job than we initially thought.
Notable Quote.
"Ah, sitting with the employees. I guess this proves I'm their friend. You did get me something on an aisle, Smithers. I don't want to be surrounded by them."—Mr. Burns.
6. "Bart Star"
Air Date: Nov. 9, 1997.
Written By: Donick Cary.
Directed By: Dominic Polcino.
After his heckling causes Ned Flanders to quit, Homer inherits the coaching job of the local pee-wee football team. Bart becomes angry and quits when Homer's favoritism leads him into the quarterback position, a spot he cannot handle. Turns out Bart is Springfield's Tim Tebow.
Hall of Famer Joe Namath guest stars to warn the audience of the dangers of vapor lock after it causes his car to break down near the Simpsons' house.
Notable Quote.
"We drove 2,000 miles for this ?"—cameo from King of the Hill's Hank Hill.
5. "Dead Putting Society"
Air Date: Nov. 15, 1990.
Written By: Jeff Martin.
Directed By: Rich Moore.
Fore! Well, close, it's No. 5.
Homer jealously blows up and mocks Ned Flanders and his perfect family, leading to a wager between the fathers when their sons sign up for a children's miniature golf tournament.
Homer teaches Bart to channel his anger towards his opponent, while Lisa uses mediation and spiritual teachings to help Bart's game. The boys learn a valuable lesson that there's more to sports than just winning.
Notable Quote.
"Come on, Bart! Remember what Vince Lombardi said: 'If you lose, you're out of the family!'"—Homer Simpson.
4. "The Homer They Fall"
Air Date: Nov. 10, 1996.
Written By: Jonathan Collier.
Directed By: Mark Kirkland.
Moe the Bartender, a failed boxer, becomes impressed with Homer's ability to withstand a nonstop barrage of punishment. To Marge's reluctance, he convinces Homer to become a boxer and takes on the job of his manager and agent.
Homer's matches start off well, as the local hobos exhaust themselves against him, but when Moe's former agent sets up a match with the current heavyweight champion, they may have bitten off more than they can chew. Ring announcer Michael Buffer guest stars.
Notable Quote.
"They called me Kid Gorgeous. Later on, it was Kid Presentable. Then Kid Gruesome. And finally, Kid Moe."—Moe Szyslak.
3. "Team Homer"
Air Date: Jan. 7, 1996.
Written By: Mike Scully.
Directed By: Mark Kirkland.
Mr. Burns, in a medicated stupor, is tricked into funding money to sponsor Homer, Apu, Moe and Otto's bowling-league team, the "Pin Pals." The foursome wins a string of games in the league competition until a sobered Mr. Burns kicks Otto off the team so he can join, threatening their chances to win.
Notable Quote.
"Ho, ho, why certainly Poppin' Fresh! I owe my robust physique to your tubes of triple-bleached goo."—Mr. Burns.
2. "Lisa on Ice"
Air Date: Nov. 13, 1994.
Written By: Mike Scully.
Directed By: Bob Anderson.
Lisa, in fear that she may fail her first class ever, must sign up for an organized sport to pass her gym class. As it turns out, she has a surprising talent for playing hockey and becomes the goalie for Apu's team.
Thanks to pressure from Homer, a sibling rivalry develops between her and Bart, star of Chief Wiggum's team. Things come to a head when the opposing teams face off in a championship battle. Any episode that ends with an animated pee wee hockey riot deserves the No. 2 spot on this list.
Notable Quote.
" Lisa, if the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girls' sports, such as hot-oil wrestling, foxy boxing and such-and-such. "—Homer Simpson.
1. "Homer at the Bat"
Air Date: Feb. 20, 1992.
Written By: John Swartzwelder.
Directed By: Jim Reardon.
Perhaps the greatest episode of "The Simpsons" ever aired.
After making a million-dollar wager, Mr. Burns hires a group of professional baseball players as ringers for the Nuclear Power Plant softball team.
Unfortunately, all but one of the players are sidelined by unfortunate and bizarre accidents (Ozzie Smith falling into a mystery dimension portal, Ken Griffey Jr. overdosing on nerve tonic, etc. ) leaving the original ragtag team to contend for the championship title and Mr. Burns' money.
An example of a show where the guest stars didn't overshadow the story or the comedy, "Homer at the Bat" featured appearances by former MLB greats Don Mattingly, Darryl Strawberry, Wade Boggs, Roger Clemens, Ken Griffey Jr., Steve Sax, Ozzie Smith, Mike Scioscia and Jose Canseco.
Ryne Sandberg and Carlton Fisk turned down appearances for the episode.
Terry Cashman provided the closing song, "Talkin' Softball," which he claims is now more requested than his original classic, "Talkin' Baseball."
Notable Quote.
"I still like him better than Steinbrenner."—Don Mattingly, after being fired by Mr. Burns.

Lisa the Greek (23 Jan. 1992)
TV Episode | TV-PG | 30 min | Animation , Comedy.
Homer uses Lisa (and her prognostic skills) to help him bet on football games.
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User Reviews.
This is the fourteenth episode of the third season of the Simpsons and it is a pretty effective episode. Lisa is my least favorite Simpsons character and I'm generally not a fan of episodes focused on her. But there is no denying how charming this episode is. This episode focuses on the father-daughter relationship and it also mocks gambling and football.
In this episode, "Lisa the Greek," Lisa decides to take an interest in football in order to spend more time with Homer. When Homer realizes she can accurately predict the outcome of the games, he decides to use her to make a profit. But once Lisa realizes this, she decides not to like her father anymore.
Overall, this is an entertaining episode and I liked how football was spoofed. There is a emotional core here when we see how Homer hurts his daughter, then tries to repair the damage. A solid episode in a great season. I rate this episode 9/10.
Critic Reviews.
Parents Guide.
Did You Know?
The Globe and Mail's Liam Lacey commented on the similarities between Imagine That (2009) and this episode in a review of the film. He said the "message in each case is about the dangerous confusion of love and money. Naturally there's a turning point [. ] where the child begins to wonder whether her father really loves her or just her profitable talent."
Rev. Lovejoy : Well, I'm glad some people could resist the lures of the big game. Man : OH MY GOD, I FORGOT THE GAME!
When Lisa gives her speech at school, Miss Hoover has only one leg.

Lisa the Greek.
History Talk (1)
Lisa the Greek.
Episode Number.
Production Code.
Original Airdate.
Main character(s)
Couch Gag.
Special Guest Voices.
Show Runner.
Written By.
Directed By.
“ Don't you like ice cream better when it's covered in hot fudge. and mounds of whipped cream. chopped nuts, and ooh, those crumbled-up cookie things they mash up! Mmm. crumbled up cookie things. ” ―Homer Simpson.
Lisa the Greek is the fourteenth episode of Season 3.
Homer becomes aware that Lisa can predict football results with incredible accuracy, and the two bond when watching the games. Homer places bets in Moe's with Lisa's predictions, and makes a bundle. However, when Lisa finds out what Homer's been doing, she calls off the bets - leaving him with a final prediction for the Super Bowl - if Washington wins, she loves him, but if Buffalo wins, she won't. Washington comes from behind and win.
Full Story.
Eating high-cholesterol snacks, Homer sits down to another Sunday of football. Lisa enters the room to show her dad a shoe box apartment she made for her Malibu Stacy dolls. Homer is not really that interested, especially after Denver – on whom he has bet $20 – gives up a quick touchdown.
Lisa complains to Marge, who suggests spending some "quality time" with Homer by taking up his interests. Lisa plans to join her father on the couch, and an annoyed Homer reluctantly agrees. By now, New England is crushing Denver 35-7 and has just forced another Broncos fumble. In the end, Denver loses 55-10, and Homer angrily blames the TV (and sports anchorman "Smooth" Jimmy Apollo) for losing his bet.
Homer chooses to try again on the Miami-Cincinnati game and calls a 1-900 "guaranteed pick" service for advice; however, it soon becomes clear the only thing "The Coach" wants is the caller's money. A desperate Homer turns to Lisa to pick a winner, and she picks the Dolphins, and Homer quickly calls Moe's Tavern to place his $50 wager. Lisa questions Homer about the call, and likens sports betting to putting a lot of toppings on ice cream. In the end, the Dolphins win, and Homer and Lisa celebrate.
Meanwhile, Marge has taken Bart shopping and proceeds to do everything possible to humiliate Bart: buying terrible and nerdy clothes and ignoring his distaste, opening his dressing room door while he is in his underwear while customers watch and without closing it, overlooking any comments he has about getting beaten up if he wears these outfits and leaving Bart to be tormented by the bullies thinking they are his friends.
Lisa becomes very adept at choosing winners of football games, and Homer cleans up. Homer declares every Sunday "Daddy-Daughter Day." With his new money, he starts buying expensive presents for the family and treating them to fine dining. Marge eventually wants to know where Homer's extra income is coming from and gets the truth, but Homer says it's not really a big deal.
The next day at breakfast, Lisa says she is looking forward to spending the "Daddy-Daughter Day" after Super Bowl XXVI going hiking at Mount Springfield. However, Homer announces he had already made plans with Barney to go bowling, and that "Daddy-Daughter Day" is over until the next football season, making Lisa realize that all Homer really wanted was to exploit her prognostic abilities to help him gamble. Marge is upset at Homer and Bart taunts him with the new swearing device that Homer bought for him. Heartbroken and plagued by a dream that she grows up to be a three times divorced, tired, chain-smoking casino hopper, Lisa then gives up all the Malibu Stacy toys that Homer bought for her.
Homer realizes he needs to make amends with Lisa, but she is too hurt to even talk with him. In fact, she makes a cryptic prediction as to the winner of the game: If she still loves Homer, Washington will win; if she doesn't, Buffalo. Homer becomes even more anxious over his relationship with Lisa as Super Bowl Sunday approaches. When he hears Lisa mournfully play her saxophone, he leaves for Moe's Tavern to watch the game.
Homer mopes throughout the game, especially after Buffalo gets a 14-7 halftime lead. The game is highlighted by a corny halftime commercial for Duff Beer, an equally silly halftime show and Troy McClure's promo for his new situation comedy, which premieres right after the Super Bowl. In the end, Washington rallies in the second half and scores at the last second to win the game. Homer is happy and Bart proudly says to Lisa that she still loves Homer, in which she agrees.
Homer cancels his bowling date with Barney and – on the Sunday after the Super Bowl – makes good on his promise to go hiking up Mount Springfield with Lisa.
During the end credits, a marching band version of the theme is played.

The 10 Best Simpsons Sports Episodes.
Correspondent I May 10, 2012 Comments Comment Bubble Icon.
The 10 Best Simpsons Sports Episodes.
Not too old if you're a tree, but for a television show? That's an eternity. Heck, most hope to make it a fraction of that time. Twenty-three years ago, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers looked like Creamsicles, Ozzie Canseco had hopes of a successful big-league career, and Bryce Harper was still nearly three years away from being born.
In those nearly two and a half decades, an animated institution, "The Simpsons," has and continues to leave its mark in the history books of classic American television. A cartoon that started off about a crudely-drawn yellow suburban family with a bratty son and oaf father has journeyed into space, feuded with a president and managed to feature three living Beatles as guests.
It really seems like the Springfield family has done it all in those 23 years, and don't think they haven't dipped their golden toes into the sports world as well. They've hung around with Hall of Famers, All-Stars, Olympic champions and the Capital City Goofball. Outside of a game itself, "The Simpsons" has provided us with some of the most memorable comical sporting moments in television history.
Part of the charm of the show is that despite all those wacky antics and mad-cap adventures, they're just like your family and mine: a bit goofy, a bit silly, a bit out of left field, but always loving, funny and genuine.
When you're successful for nearly a quarter century, you've become a rock; something dependable, something that's always there, not unlike the crack of the bat on a Saturday afternoon or the roar of a crowd at a football game on a crisp Sunday in October. When you think about it, it only seems natural that some of the greatest episodes are when the family and sports come together.
So let's take a walk down memory lane and look back at the "Pin Pals," "Dancin' Homer," Steve Sax's arrest and all the most memorable sporting moments in the great history of "The Simpsons."
10. "Tennis the Menace"
Air Date: Feb. 11, 2001.
Written By: Ian Maxtone-Graham.
Directed By: Jen Kamerman.
Serves up! The Simpsons become the most popular family in town after building a tennis court in their backyard. Nonstop losing causes Marge to become frustrated with Homer's hopeless ability, and she chooses Bart to become her doubles partner instead.
An insulted Homer picks the reluctant Lisa to partner with him, leading to an unexpected charity tournament showdown featuring pro tennis players Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras, and Venus and Serena Williams.
Notable Quote.
"C'mon, Marge, all sports have their loveable clowns: John Rocker, O.J. Simpson, Dorf."—Homer Simpson.
9. "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday"
Air Date: Jan. 31, 1999.
Written By: Tom Martin, George Meyer, Brian Scully, Mike Scully.
Directed By: Steven Dean Moore.
Homer and the men of Springfield fill a charter bus for a free ride to Miami for the Super Bowl. When they discover their cracker-printed tickets are counterfeit, the group must figure out a way inside the stadium. That means they were able to witness John Elway's long-awaited arrival into Super Bowl MVP territory. It also means they had to watch a Cher halftime show. Can't win 'em all.
John Madden and Pat Summerall also guest starred.
Notable Quote.
"But this might be my last chance to win one!"—Homer Simpson, after being caught trying to steal the Super Bowl trophy.
8. "Hungry, Hungry Homer"
Air Date: March 4, 2001.
Written By: John Swartzwelder.
Directed By: Nancy Kruse.
Homer's pursuit to "stand up for the little guy" leads him to uncover evidence that Duff Beer, owner of the local minor-league-baseball team, the Springfield Isotopes, is planning to move them to Albuquerque. His fasting protest is soon compromised when Duff moves him inside the park as a promotional stunt.
Rumor has it no one tried the same trick when the Montreal Expos were planning to move.
Notable Quote.
"That's crazy. It would've been on a talk radio show like 'Sports Chat' or 'Sportszilla and the Jabber Jocks.'"—Kirk Van Houten.
7. "Dancin' Homer"
Air Date: Nov. 8, 1990.
Written By: Ken Levine and David Isaacs.
Directed By: Mark Kirkland.
The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant hosts a family night at the local minor-league ballpark. After sharing some oversized beverages with his boss, a drunk Homer hoists himself onto the dugout, dances up a storm and quickly becomes the team's official mascot.
The team goes on a winning streak, but Homer's eventual call to the big leagues turns into a disaster, as the big-city crowd is unimpressed with his minor-league antics. Turns out the Phillie Phanatic has a tougher job than we initially thought.
Notable Quote.
"Ah, sitting with the employees. I guess this proves I'm their friend. You did get me something on an aisle, Smithers. I don't want to be surrounded by them."—Mr. Burns.
6. "Bart Star"
Air Date: Nov. 9, 1997.
Written By: Donick Cary.
Directed By: Dominic Polcino.
After his heckling causes Ned Flanders to quit, Homer inherits the coaching job of the local pee-wee football team. Bart becomes angry and quits when Homer's favoritism leads him into the quarterback position, a spot he cannot handle. Turns out Bart is Springfield's Tim Tebow.
Hall of Famer Joe Namath guest stars to warn the audience of the dangers of vapor lock after it causes his car to break down near the Simpsons' house.
Notable Quote.
"We drove 2,000 miles for this ?"—cameo from King of the Hill's Hank Hill.
5. "Dead Putting Society"
Air Date: Nov. 15, 1990.
Written By: Jeff Martin.
Directed By: Rich Moore.
Fore! Well, close, it's No. 5.
Homer jealously blows up and mocks Ned Flanders and his perfect family, leading to a wager between the fathers when their sons sign up for a children's miniature golf tournament.
Homer teaches Bart to channel his anger towards his opponent, while Lisa uses mediation and spiritual teachings to help Bart's game. The boys learn a valuable lesson that there's more to sports than just winning.
Notable Quote.
"Come on, Bart! Remember what Vince Lombardi said: 'If you lose, you're out of the family!'"—Homer Simpson.
4. "The Homer They Fall"
Air Date: Nov. 10, 1996.
Written By: Jonathan Collier.
Directed By: Mark Kirkland.
Moe the Bartender, a failed boxer, becomes impressed with Homer's ability to withstand a nonstop barrage of punishment. To Marge's reluctance, he convinces Homer to become a boxer and takes on the job of his manager and agent.
Homer's matches start off well, as the local hobos exhaust themselves against him, but when Moe's former agent sets up a match with the current heavyweight champion, they may have bitten off more than they can chew. Ring announcer Michael Buffer guest stars.
Notable Quote.
"They called me Kid Gorgeous. Later on, it was Kid Presentable. Then Kid Gruesome. And finally, Kid Moe."—Moe Szyslak.
3. "Team Homer"
Air Date: Jan. 7, 1996.
Written By: Mike Scully.
Directed By: Mark Kirkland.
Mr. Burns, in a medicated stupor, is tricked into funding money to sponsor Homer, Apu, Moe and Otto's bowling-league team, the "Pin Pals." The foursome wins a string of games in the league competition until a sobered Mr. Burns kicks Otto off the team so he can join, threatening their chances to win.
Notable Quote.
"Ho, ho, why certainly Poppin' Fresh! I owe my robust physique to your tubes of triple-bleached goo."—Mr. Burns.
2. "Lisa on Ice"
Air Date: Nov. 13, 1994.
Written By: Mike Scully.
Directed By: Bob Anderson.
Lisa, in fear that she may fail her first class ever, must sign up for an organized sport to pass her gym class. As it turns out, she has a surprising talent for playing hockey and becomes the goalie for Apu's team.
Thanks to pressure from Homer, a sibling rivalry develops between her and Bart, star of Chief Wiggum's team. Things come to a head when the opposing teams face off in a championship battle. Any episode that ends with an animated pee wee hockey riot deserves the No. 2 spot on this list.
Notable Quote.
" Lisa, if the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girls' sports, such as hot-oil wrestling, foxy boxing and such-and-such. "—Homer Simpson.
1. "Homer at the Bat"
Air Date: Feb. 20, 1992.
Written By: John Swartzwelder.
Directed By: Jim Reardon.
Perhaps the greatest episode of "The Simpsons" ever aired.
After making a million-dollar wager, Mr. Burns hires a group of professional baseball players as ringers for the Nuclear Power Plant softball team.
Unfortunately, all but one of the players are sidelined by unfortunate and bizarre accidents (Ozzie Smith falling into a mystery dimension portal, Ken Griffey Jr. overdosing on nerve tonic, etc. ) leaving the original ragtag team to contend for the championship title and Mr. Burns' money.
An example of a show where the guest stars didn't overshadow the story or the comedy, "Homer at the Bat" featured appearances by former MLB greats Don Mattingly, Darryl Strawberry, Wade Boggs, Roger Clemens, Ken Griffey Jr., Steve Sax, Ozzie Smith, Mike Scioscia and Jose Canseco.
Ryne Sandberg and Carlton Fisk turned down appearances for the episode.
Terry Cashman provided the closing song, "Talkin' Softball," which he claims is now more requested than his original classic, "Talkin' Baseball."
Notable Quote.
"I still like him better than Steinbrenner."—Don Mattingly, after being fired by Mr. Burns.

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