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Cбlculo del Cesta Ticket (bono de alimentaciуn) (2017) – Venelogнa, abogado laboral en linea.
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Putin, Biden to discuss situation in Syria, Libya at Geneva Summit, Ushakov says
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<p><img width="660" height="330" src="http://remmont.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/putin-biden-to-discuss-situation-in-syria-libya-at-geneva-summit-ushakov-says.jpg " alt="remmont.com">Moscow, SANA- Russian President’s Assistant, Yuri Ushakov, said that Russian President, Vladimir Putin will discuss with his US counterpart, during a summit scheduled to be held on Wednesday in Geneva, the situation in Syria, Libya and Afghanistan, in addition to several other issues. Commenting on the meeting’s agenda, Sputnik quoted Ushakov as saying that “the two sides will discuss the status and prospects for developing Russian-American relations, issues of strategic stability, information security, the fight against cybercrime, in addition to the prospects for trade and investment cooperation, combating the novel coronavirus and many other issues.” Ushakov noted that the regional ...</p>
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