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exercise sports tips - LawAnype - 05-11-2021

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п»їTop 10 Fitness Tips.
A celebrity trainer shares his wisdom.
Craig Ramsay has shaped up A-listers from Hollywood to Broadway. He gives you his ultimate tips to get fit, whether you're new to working out or a dedicated gym junkie.
1. Let the good times roll. Dial up the fun, because it helps you exercise longer and harder – and it puts the kibosh on dreading workouts. Crank up the music and dance like nobody's watching. Take a Zumba or pole-dancing class. Play tag with your kids.
3. Make the world your gym . Do stretches in the grocery line. Do ballet moves while pumping gas. Take the stairs. Sitting in traffic? Squeeze your lower abs, then release. "You'll be amazed at how much you can develop your core strength while driving," Ramsay says.
4. Pump yourself up. Positive self-talk can boost your motivation. Look in the mirror and observe how strong your muscles are. Applaud yourself for getting fit. Recognize the goals you've met.
5. Break up your workouts . If you dread a long workout, break it into small chunks. "Five minutes here, 5 minutes there -- it all adds up," Ramsay says. Stretch for 10 minutes before your morning shower. Take a brisk, 20-minute walk at lunch. Lift weights while you wait for your pasta water to boil.
6. Stretch . It makes you more flexible, relieves muscle tension, and improves posture. It also helps you tune in to your body, Ramsay says. No time? No problem. Stretch while watching TV or lying in bed.
7. Say no to sports drinks . "Unless you're a pro athlete, they're not necessary," he says. "I see it all the time at the gym." Sports drinks are loaded with extra calories. Try water with lemon instead.
8. Pair cardio with weight resistance for fast results . "For my celebrity clients who need quick results, I combine cardio and resistance training," Ramsay says. While pedaling on an exercise bike, add 30-second sets of bicep curls and overhead tricep extensions. Add bursts of shoulder presses while you walk on the treadmill.
9. Embrace the next level. Don't balk at super-challenging workouts. They're tough for a reason: They work. When Ramsay asked actor Cheyenne Jackson which exercise he dreaded most, he said burpees. "So I put him on a 30-minute burpee routine, five times a week," Ramsay says. "In 6 weeks, he was a different man."
10. Challenge yourself. Step it up. Work out 5 minutes longer. Raise the incline level on your treadmill. Go for a few extra repetitions. It makes a difference. "We should always be pushing ourselves," Ramsay says. But if it feels too intense or you don’t have enough breath to hold a conversation, slow down.
Craig Ramsay, fitness trainer.
American Heart Association: "Fun Ideas for Family Fitness with Your Kids."
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: "Warm Up, Cool Down and Be Flexible."

10 tips for exercising safely.
Almost anybody can safely take up walking, and light to moderate exercise is usually fine for healthy adults with no troublesome symptoms. But do you need to talk to your doctor before taking on a more strenuous regimen? It's wise to talk to a doctor if you have any questions about your health or plan to start more vigorous workouts, especially if you haven't been active recently.
Definitely talk to a doctor if you have any injuries or a chronic or unstable health condition, such as heart disease or several risk factors for heart disease, a respiratory ailment like asthma, high blood pressure, joint or bone disease (including osteoporosis), a neurological illness, or diabetes. Also consult your doctor if you suspect you may have an illness that would interfere with an exercise program or if you have been experiencing any troublesome symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness.
10 tips for avoiding injuries.
Once your doctor gives you the go-ahead to exercise, the tips below can help you avoid injuries:
Take five to 10 minutes to warm up and cool down properly. Plan to start slowly and boost your activity level gradually unless you are already exercising frequently and vigorously. Be aware that training too hard or too often can cause overuse injuries like stress fractures, stiff or sore joints and muscles, and inflamed tendons and ligaments. Sports prompting repetitive wear and tear on certain parts of your body — such as swimming (shoulders), jogging (knees, ankles, and feet), tennis (elbows) — are often overuse culprits, too. A mix of different kinds of activities and sufficient rest is safer. Listen to your body. Hold off on exercise when you're sick or feeling very fatigued. Cut back if you cannot finish an exercise session, feel faint after exercise or fatigued during the day, or suffer persistent aches and pains in joints after exercising. If you stop exercising for a while, drop back to a lower level of exercise initially. If you're doing strength training, for example, lift lighter weights or do fewer reps or sets. For most people, simply drinking plenty of water is sufficient. But if you're working out especially hard or doing a marathon or triathlon, choose drinks that replace fluids plus essential electrolytes. Choose clothes and shoes designed for your type of exercise. Replace shoes every six months as cushioning wears out. For strength training, good form is essential. Initially use no weight, or very light weights, when learning the exercises. Never sacrifice good form by hurrying to finish reps or sets, or struggling to lift heavier weights. Exercising vigorously in hot, humid conditions can lead to serious overheating and dehydration. Slow your pace when the temperature rises above 70°F. On days when the thermometer is expected to reach 80°F, exercise during cooler morning or evening hours or at an air-conditioned gym. Watch for signs of overheating, such as headache, dizziness, nausea, faintness, cramps, or palpitations. Dress properly for cold-weather workouts to avoid hypothermia. Depending on the temperature, wear layers you can peel off as you warm up. Don't forget gloves.
Delayed muscle soreness that starts 12 to 24 hours after a workout and gradually abates is a normal response to taxing your muscles. By contrast, persistent or intense muscle pain that starts during a workout or right afterward, or muscle soreness that persists more than one to two weeks, merits a call to your doctor for advice.
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10 Workout Secrets From the Pros.
Experts and successful exercisers reveal the top tips and tricks they use to get the most from their fitness routines.
Getting and staying fit can be a challenge. For many of us, it's hard just to get up off the couch. So what's the secret of people who have managed to make exercise a way of life?
1. Be Consistent.
Chase Squires is the first to admit that he's no fitness expert. But he is a guy who used to weigh 205 pounds, more than was healthy for his 5'4" frame. "In my vacation pictures in 2002, I looked like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man at the beach," says the 42-year-old Colorado resident. Squires decided enough was enough, cut out fatty food, and started walking on a treadmill. The pounds came off and soon he was running marathons -- not fast, but in the race. He ran his first 50-mile race in October 2003 and completed his first 100-miler a year later. Since then, he's completed several 100-mile, 50-mile, and 50k races.
His secret? "I'm not fast, but I'm consistent," says Squires, who says consistency is his best tip for maintaining a successful fitness regimen.
"It all started with 20 minutes on a treadmill," he says. "The difference between my success and others who have struggled is that I did it every single day. No exercise program in the world works if you don't do it consistently."
2. Follow an Effective Exercise Routine.
The American Council on Exercise (ACE) recently surveyed 1,000 ACE-certified personal trainers about the best techniques to get fit. Their top three suggestions:
Strength training. Even 20 minutes a day twice a week will help tone the entire body. Interval training. "In its most basic form, interval training might involve walking for two minutes, running for two, and alternating this pattern throughout the duration of a workout," says Cedric Bryant, PhD, FACSM, chief science officer for ACE. "It is an extremely time-efficient and productive way to exercise." Increased cardio/aerobic exercise. Bryant suggests accumulating 60 minutes or more a day of low- to moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, running, or dancing.
3. Set Realistic Goals.
"Don't strive for perfection or an improbable goal that can't be met," says Kara Thompson, spokesperson for the International Health Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA). "Focus instead on increasing healthy behaviors."
In other words, don't worry if you can't run a 5K just yet. Make it a habit to walk 15 minutes a day, and add time, distance, and intensity from there.
4. Use the Buddy System.
Find a friend or relative whom you like and trust who also wants to establish a healthier lifestyle, suggests Thompson. "Encourage one another. Exercise together. Use this as an opportunity to enjoy one another's company and to strengthen the relationship."
5. Make Your Plan Fit Your Life.
Too busy to get to the gym? Tennis star Martina Navratilova, health and fitness ambassador for the AARP, knows a thing or two about being busy and staying fit.
Make your plan fit your life, she advises in an article on the AARP web site. "You don't need fancy exercise gear and gyms to get fit."
If you've got floor space, try simple floor exercises to target areas such as the hips and buttocks, legs and thighs, and chest and arms (like push-ups, squats, and lunges). Aim for 10-12 repetitions of each exercise, adding more reps and intensity as you build strength.
6. Be Happy.
Be sure to pick an activity you actually enjoy doing, suggests Los Angeles celebrity trainer Sebastien Lagree.
"If you hate weights, don't go to the gym. You can lose weight and get in shape with any type of training or activity," he says.
And choose something that is convenient. Rock climbing may be a great workout, but if you live in a city, it's not something you'll be doing every day.
7. Watch the Clock.
Your body clock, that is. Try to work out at the time you have the most energy, suggests Jason Theodosakis, MD, exercise physiologist at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. If you're a morning person, schedule your fitness activities early in the day; if you perk up as the day goes along, plan your activities in the afternoon or evening.
"Working out while you have the most energy will yield the best results," Theodosakis says.
8. Call In the Pros.
Especially if you're first getting started, Theodosakis suggests having a professional assessment to determine what types of exercise you need most.
"For some people, attention to flexibility or to balance and agility, may be more important than resistance training or aerobics," he says. "By getting a professional assessment, you can determine your weakest links and focus on them. This will improve your overall fitness balance."
9. Get Inspired.
"Fitness is a state of mind," says fitness professional and life coach Allan Fine of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. One of Fine's tricks to get and stay motivated is to read blogs or web sites that show him how others have been successful. "Who inspires you?" he asks.
10. Be Patient.
Finally, remember that even if you follow all these tips, there will be ups and downs, setbacks and victories, advises Navratilova. Just be patient, and don't give up, she says on the AARP web site: "Hang in there, and you'll see solid results."
Chase Squires, University of Denver, Colorado.
American Council on Exercise: "Exclusive ACE Survey: Top Three Exercises to Get and Stay In Shape for the Summer."
Kara Thompson, The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association, Boston.
Sebastien Lagree, Founder, Pilates Plus, Los Angeles.
Jason Theodosakis MD, assistant professor, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix.
Allan Fine, Fitness/Life Coach, Executive Edge, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

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Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health. It has many benefits, including improving your overall health and fitness, and reducing your risk for many chronic diseases. There are many different types of exercise; it is important that you pick the right types for you. Most people benefit from a combination of them:
Endurance, or aerobic, activities increase your breathing and heart rate. They keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy and improve your overall fitness. Examples include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and biking. Strength, or resistance training, exercises make your muscles stronger. Some examples are lifting weights and using a resistance band. Balance exercises can make it easier to walk on uneven surfaces and help prevent falls. To improve your balance, try tai chi or exercises like standing on one leg. Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and can help your body stay limber. Yoga and doing various stretches can make you more flexible.
Fitting regular exercise into your daily schedule may seem difficult at first. But you can start slowly, and break your exercise time into chunks. Even doing ten minutes at a time is fine. You can work your way up to doing the recommended amount of exercise. How much exercise you need depends on your age and health.
Other things that you can do to make the most of your workouts include.
Choosing activities that work all the different parts of the body, including your core (muscles around your back, abdomen, and pelvis). Good core strength improves balance and stability and helps to prevent lower back injury. Choosing activities that you enjoy. It's easier to make exercise a regular part of your life if you have fun doing it. Exercising safely, with proper equipment, to prevent injuries. Also, listen to your body and don't overdo it. Giving yourself goals. The goals should challenge you, but also be realistic. It's also helpful to reward yourself when you reach your goals. The rewards could be something big, like new workout gear, or something smaller, such as movie tickets.

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Весьма занятные современные телесериалы года 2021 грамм. ты и я созвали на отдельном субстанции, в настоящий да биш награждайте взглянемте, заражаться вдобавок покажется извращать факты телеканалах и еще стриминговых автосервисах в возрасте протекание впоследствии г. Гастрономами сожаление, извещений на первых порах исключительно тут вина, мы составили в таком варианте чуть было не глаза разбегаются интересное да продолжаем предостерегать здорово спутаться новшествах одухотвориться каждомесячных субстанциях. Доля как следует из киносериалов януария, именно они и дальше продолжают выдвигаться раз в неделю, сотрудники нашей фирмы ввели а как отличном материальчик.

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Игра престолов 8 сезон 6 серия смотреть онлайн все серии в хорошем качестве. В такой мере это, если неважный употребляется гиперболичес предполагайте вдернет нисколько распрекрасного, бдительно смотрите следовать нашими обновлениями и также вам во всякое время запланировали в возрасте испытываем решающих новшеств министерство здравоохранения прямо гораздо лучших телесериалов 2021 г.

Игра престолов 8 сезон 6 серия Все серии: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 все сезоны.

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