news from around the world - 09.12.2020 - 可打印的版本

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news from around the world - 09.12.2020 - Rusagerfew - 12-09-2020

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday called on Republican congressmen to vote against the FY2021 defense budget bill and recalled that he, as president, could veto the bill.

"I hope the Republicans in the House of Representatives will vote against the very weak national defense law, over which I will veto," he wrote on Twitter.

At the same time, Donald Trump recalled that this bill, in the correct version, should include the abolition of Article 230 of the 1996 Telecommunications Law, which exempts Internet platforms from legal liability for posting user-generated content; the document should also provide for the reduction of US contingents abroad and the protection of American national monuments.

However, parliamentarians can bypass the presidential veto: for this, two-thirds of congressmen must vote against it in both houses of Congress.

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on the Fiscal 2021 Defense Budget Bill on Tuesday. In particular, this bill includes provisions on tougher US sanctions, which may interfere with the implementation of the Russian pipeline projects Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream. The project provides for sanctions for facilitating the sale, lease or provision of pipe-laying vessels for the construction of gas pipelines, the provision of insurance and reinsurance, as well as services or facilities for the technical modernization of vessels associated with the construction of the gas pipeline, Interfax reports.

Also, the draft US defense budget for fiscal 2021 provides for the introduction of new sanctions against Turkey for its acquisition of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems. In particular, the president is ordered to introduce "five or more sanctions" against Turkish officials who took part in the acquisition of the S-400 within 30 days after the signing of the law on defense spending.

Sanctions can be imposed under the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). The current law forbids the sale of F-35 fighters to Turkey for the deal with Russia.

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