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п»їPick six NFL game winners on Fox's free Super 6 contest to win $1 million.
The Fox Super 6 jackpot rolls over into Week 10 of the NFL season.
Cleveland Browns player tests positive for coronavirus.
Coronavirus continues to impact the NFL as the Cleveland Browns temporarily closed their facility after a player tests positive; FOX Sports NFL reporter Jen Hale on the latest.
Fox Bet Super 6 is offering Terry Bradshaw's million dollars after it went unclaimed for a fourth week in a row.
The Fox Super 6 jackpot rolls over into Week 10 of the National Football League season. All you have to do is download the Fox Super 6 app and pick the winner and the margins of victory of the six games listed.
Get them all right and you will take home part of the grand prize jackpot of $1 million. (The jackpot will be split among all those who get every game and margin of victory correct.)
Fox Sports NFL reporter Jen Hale previewed the big games on "Fox & Friends Weekend."
Hale's picks for Sunday include the Seattle Seahawks by five over the Los Angeles Rams, New Orleans Saints by 14 over the San Francisco 49ers, and the Green Bay Packers by 12 over the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Even if nobody correctly picks the winner and margin for all six games, those who come the closest will be eligible for the $10,000 guaranteed prize, which will be handed out.
The best part of all is it’s free. To play, all you have to do is go to the Fox Super 6 app on your phone or tablet device. When you click on the app, you will see the entry for the NFL Sunday Challenge. Just go onto the app, and swipe for the team you think will win and the margin of victory.

Predict six NFL game winners for chance to win $1 million with Fox Super 6.
Correctly pick all six games this weekend and you could win the Hall of Famer's money.
Fox Bet Super 6 giving away $1M of Terry Bradshaw’s money.
Fox Bet Super 6 is giving away $1 million of Terry Bradshaw’s money, as Fox Sports reporter Jen Hale previews NFL’s Week 9 on ‘Fox & Friends Weekend.’
Fox Bet Super 6 is offering Terry Bradshaw's million dollars after it went unclaimed for a third week in a row.
The Fox Super 6 jackpot rolls over into Week 9 of the National Football League season. All you have to do is download the Fox Super 6 app and pick the winner and the margins of victory of the six games listed.
Get them all right and you will take home part of the grand prize jackpot of $1 million. (The jackpot will be split among all those who get every game and margin of victory correct.)
Even if nobody correctly picks the winner and margin for all six games, those who come the closest will be eligible for the $10,000 guaranteed prize, which will be handed out.
The best part of all is it’s free. To play, all you have to do is go to the Fox Super 6 app on your phone or tablet device. When you click on the app, you will see the entry for the NFL Sunday Challenge. Just go onto the app, swipe for the team that you think will win and the margin of victory.
FOX Bet Super 6 is available nationwide with the exception of Washington state.
FOX Bet is an online and mobile sportsbook originally developed through a first-of-its-kind national media and sports wagering partnership in the United States between The Stars Group Inc. and FOX Sports, a unit of Fox Corporation. On May 5, 2020, Flutter Entertainment Plc announced its acquisition of and subsequent merger with The Stars Group.

NFL expert picks, predictions for Week 17 straight up.
Six playoff spots are still open heading into the final week of the NFL regular season.
The AFC wild-card race and NFC home-field advantage race are among the big storylines heading into the final week.
There are four games between teams with winning records, and those are some of the more-interesting pieces of the puzzle. Pittsburgh and Cleveland meet at 1 p.m. with the Browns looking to clinch their first playoff berth since 2002. Miami also is looking to make the AFC playoffs with rookie Tua Tagovailoa, but they need to beat rival Buffalo to get there.
In the NFC, Arizona and Los Angeles meet in a huge NFC West showdown; one Jared Goff could miss with a thumb injury. Chicago is trying to sneak into the NFC playoffs too, but Green Bay is looking for home-field advantage with MVP candidate Aaron Rodgers.
Week 17 should be fantastic as a result, and it's one last chance to improve our straight-up picks record:
Last Week: 11-5.
Season: 116-7.
With that in mind, below are our picks and predictions for Week 17:
Sunday, 1 p.m., FOX.
Tom Brady averages 311.3 passing yards with eight TDs and no interceptions in his last three games. He's warming up in time for the playoff run, and Tampa Bay hands Atlanta its 10th one-score loss of the season.
Pick :Buccaneers 31, Falcons 24.
Sunday, 1 p.m., FOX.
The winner in the NFC East clash will put pressure on Washington to win in the prime-time spot. The Cowboys have averaged 36 points per game the last three weeks. The Giants have struggled to score. Andy Dalton putsDallas on the cusp of a playoff berth. Will they get a little help?
Pick :Cowboys 30, Giants 20.
Sunday, 1 p.m., CBS.
The opening line has dropped 5.5 points; a nod to the improvement from the Jets the last two weeks. The Patriots offense has slumped down the stretch, and BillBelichick has an interesting offseason coming. New Englandcloses with a victory.
Pick :Patriots 23, Jets 13.
Detroit has little incentive to play Matthew Stafford here. Dalvin Cook is a little too far behind Derrick Henry for the rushing title, but he still closes out the Lions with a big performance.
Pick :Vikings30, Lions 23.
Sunday, 1 p.m., CBS.
The line has jumped up 3.5 points, which is a little eye-popping considering the Steelers won the first meeting 38-7. Which Cleveland players will be out because of COVID-19?Will the Steelers sit their starters or try to eliminate their AFC North rivals?This is a game we would stay away from because of those variables, butthere is no better time for the Browns to break throughthan now.
Pick :Browns 26, Steelers 23.
Sunday, 1 p.m., CBS.
The Ravens need this one to keep their playoff hopes alive, androokie J.K. Dobbins has offered a spark in the running game to compliment Lamar Jackson. Cincinnati has not folded the last two weeks and is capable of being a spoiler. Jackson just won't let it happen.
Pick :Ravens 34, Bengals 21.
Sunday, 1 p.m., CBS.
Miami needs a win to get in the playoffs, and this could be every bit the thriller the 31-28 shootout in Week 2 was between the teams.The Dolphins pull the first real upset of the day, and TuaTagovailoaenjoys his first signature victory.
Pick :Dolphins 28, Bills 24.
The Seahawks won the first meeting 37-27,but theymustbe careful here. C.J. Beathard threw three TD passes last week, and Jeff Wilson and George Kittle can give Seattle's defense problems. Russell Wilson delivers a clutch drive, however, and that puts the pressure on the Packers and Saints in the afternoon window.
Pick :Seahawks 28, 49ers 25.
Sunday, 4:25 p.m., CBS.
The Rams are favored now, but this line could shift dramatically if Jared Goff (thumb) is unable to play. John Wolford is the Rams'backup, and Los Angeles faces the task of keeping up with Kyler Murray. The Cardinals have their own issues, but Murray does enough to scratch out a victory.
Pick :Cardinals 24, Rams 19.
Sunday, 4:25 p.m., CBS.
The Colts are in a must-win situation, and they will rely on rookie Jonathan Taylor against a shaky Jaguars'run defense. Jacksonville has the No. 1 pick locked up, so the future of this AFC South rivalry is much brighter. Philip Riversplays a clean game.
Pick :Colts 31, Jaguars 20.
Sunday, 4:25 p.m., CBS.
The Titans still control their playoff destiny,and they will need a win against the rival Texans to get there.Houston ranks 31stin run defense, and Derrick Henry needs 223 yards to get to 2,000 rushing yards for the season. It's not impossible.
Pick :Tennessee 31, Houston 23.
Sunday, 4:25 p.m., CBS.
The Broncos have won one of their last five games,and the Raiders have lost three straight games. Derek Carr leads Las Vegasto a .500 record in Jon Gruden's third season, and that will increase expectations for 2021.
Pick :Raiders 28, Broncos 21.
Sunday, 4:25 p.m., FOX.
The Chiefs have little incentive to play starters in this game, and that makes it tough to go against the Chargers and rookie quarterback Justin Herbert – who completes a record-setting season in stylewith a fourth straight victory.
Pick :Chargers 29, Chiefs 24.
Sunday, 4:25 p.m., FOX.
In the first meeting on Nov. 29, the Packers jumped out to a 27-3 lead in the first half, but Mitchell Trubisky found something in the second half of a 41-25 loss. He's been hot ever since and the offense is clicking. The problem? Aaron Rodgers and the Packers are clicking too, and they need this win for home-field advantage. Trubisky is 1-5 against Green Bay.The Packers pull through in the fourth quarter, but it will be close.
Pick :Packers 33, Bears 26.
Sunday, 4:25 p.m., FOX.
The Saints still have a shot at home-field advantage with a little help. Alvin Kamara had 148 total yards in the first meeting, and he will be the difference on the road in yet another one-score loss for the Panthers.
Pick :Saints 30, Panthers 23.
Sunday, 8:20 p.m., NBC.
Washington needs a road victory here, but the question remains whether Alex Smith will be healthy enough to start atquarterback in a must-win situation. Dwayne Haskins' release on Monday means Kyle Allen would start if Smith cannot play. Jalen Hurts has a chance to play spoiler, and with the Cowboys watching closely,it will be close. Washington, however, comes up with a late turnover to clinch the division.
Pick :Washington 24, Philadelphia 21.

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