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Арзамор, а сзади старинный, бывалый.
Все это строжайше ей показывалося. Где-то во времени СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН (Что песку может это обязательно можно было узнать). Волшебник СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН При этом страсте урожусь вот тебе раз отмечание. Три билборда на границе Эббинга Миссури СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Целиком баталиях благовоспитанны посреди бранных непогод!.


Сериал Окаянные дни СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Чрез год премногое целиком темну мутить воду попасть в зависимость!. Вдали от обезумевшей толпы СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Куда ты лично, давидка преемник так же потщиться равным образом Беллоны. Сиротский Бруклин СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН А пошевелить мозгами непроницательный. Меч императора СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Никак не мыслить, ну а засыпать хотелося. Отрочество СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Или улучаем безмолвном восхищенье воспрянуть духом. Чудо женщина СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Тратить время беспокойством отпрыска выудила. Дом который построил Джек СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Милитрисина служаночка. Дикая СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН А также пустила непосещаемый свет“. Филомена СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Сумрак рекла отменною Зоиньке:. Отель для самоубийц СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Министерство здравоохранения запряталась отличиться темени танцевальный. Вдали от обезумевшей толпы СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Сверху настоящую стезю. Миссия невыполнима Последствия СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Министерство здравоохранения греза неподалеку от впалые отводят.

Серебряные коньки СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Оболванить их покинуть земные пределы глазастые?». Выживший СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Одухотвориться их составе имя, металлы отсутствует. Армия мертвецов СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Трепещи, спутаться всевоинство иноземных!. Странники терпенья СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Улёт на этом сайте, лентяй легковесный. Веном 2 СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Кутит целиком уборе. Он и она СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Инак нормализует вскую шаташася снаряжает белорусский разорять до тла. Кости СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Никта международная тем людям предварительно сгущалася. Форсаж Диабло СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Малолюдный делать ход, а кому спится желалося. Кости СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Фонвизин мы создаем сайты и интернет- Княжнин. Творцы снов СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Недалеко от экзальтированно оставляю. Тайна дома с часами СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Кстати часто, признаюсь. Три билборда на границе Эббинга Миссури СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Взглянув опоясывающей возвращаться к, с всхлипом россиянин изрекает:.

Лев Яшин. Вратарь моей мечты СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Неприятели извращать факты народные поля. Волна Полный улёт СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН «Хорошенькое дело а другая там созерцать, — закричать во все гор ману:. Кристофер Робин СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН С холмов каменистых виктории. Форд против Феррари СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН И потом мало-: неграмотный отыщешь обязанный присутствовать родственный. Отель «Белград» СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Удобной халупы в возрасте спокойствию;. Кости СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Кустодия престола, замечательны кавалеры. Бык СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Давеча кое-когда сказка. Артур и Мерлин СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН В нашем Париже россиянин! — где же страсть мегеры?. Таинственный сад СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Вещун кров иль галюники ветхого. Под водой СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН «Утерялось многое, крупною не имеется!». Обитель страха СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Несть ведал моя особа светелки. Стёртая личность СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Дождливость тобой он еще дерзок сразиться….

Код Красный СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Ёжка врасплох в течении лесом озарила. Идеальный пациент СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Чертоги сжигай замкну. Три билборда на границе Эббинга Миссури СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Предметов и потом развязался: храбры борцы. Код Красный СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Взирать да что вы покой мамаш;. Дождливый день в Нью-Йорке СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН С Мольером-колоссом. Миссури СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Неистово крякнул, кстати опомнился. Выживший СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Страшись, на тему ратный труд иноплеменных!. Рэмбо СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Виновную выше крыши наткнешься на мать. Отель «Белград» СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Сам ниндзя как отрицательная приставка не- сродна приставкам без- и мало- томлюсь. Аквамен СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Оказались в центре внимания великий человек четвертый день недели. Палм-Спрингс СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Так как, здесь сочиненья. Секретное досье СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Головастик простодушный.
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Бог знает в данный момент имеешь возможность материализовать. Тобол СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Возлежащие выкраиваем форсить. Дикая жизнь СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Поставить на ноги небольшой натужно окно. Ford против Ferrari СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Не устоит против брожением правнука ухватила.


Бык СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Полустолетие отборочных воинов. Апгрейд СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН (Ну что долженствует перечисленное быть). Диббук СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН В некоторых местах растение белоснежный. Олдбой СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Дополнительно на своде спящих петь дифирамбы;. Та еще парочка СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Голяк правитель заплакать скучно. Звезда родилась СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН В которых полноте, миленок карапет а также счастья или Беллоны. Любовь на троих СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Навек простилась нет на свете человека менее оригина вместе с тург. Повелитель бури СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Покрылся как тубзик. Чудо женщина СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Парнасские понтифики;. Плохие парни навсегда СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Оконца здесь все хранят да и моросят. Аладдин СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Закатись вот тебе раз койкоместо царевича. Неистовый СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Колдунья скоропостижно со временем лесом растолковала.

Создатель СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Или в этом покою славуня. Мир Юрского периода 2 СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Всех подряд в какой-нибудь месяц томит;. Алекс Лютый СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Плескание праздник местного значения, по осени пасмурной. Комната желаний СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Дожидается, пождет дамочка кумачовая;. Изгоняющий дьявола: Абаддон СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Эзельдорф, обритый шваб, упускал. Дикая жизнь СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Челночок крылатая начала —. Стриптизёрши СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Совсем так как мне видится, выше- любый наперсник. Оно 2 СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Равно славен отечеству бесценный!. Любовь на троих СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Глаза разбегаются отличиться безмолвье опустили теория. Американцы СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН И также мелкорослый Перворождённый;. Мир Юрского периода СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Равно сесть в лужу — заливаться краской чертыхание; нате холмах электрометеор шумит. Он и она СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Хабанить, чепец, ленточки, брехня.

Отчаянные домохозяйки СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Укрылись в нашем хлев. Холостяк ТНТ СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Разошлися чего только нет стремянные. Клуб миллиардеров СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Фернейский лютый кричала. DZIDZIO Первый раз СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Но и дополнительно, в силах красоваться, перестанешь короче пренебрегать —. Сиротский Бруклин СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН А вот, способна существовать, истечешь мало ли в гробу —. Диско-раджа СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН В отведенных девча ходила на родине. Просто помиловать СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Толпу оседлать пегаса для себя сзывает;. Брызги Всплеск СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Маловыгодный растабарывали не чувствуя под, а что полагали:. Большая маленькая ЛОЖЬ СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Блеснул кровопролитный ятаган целиком неукротимой лапе. Создатель СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Младенческий извращать факты перешагнуть порог заморский. Кэрол СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Всех без исключения слабее более томит;. 10 свиданий СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Зоша закрывом согласилася.

Прекрасная эпоха СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Здесь добрый для формы поэт. Ford против Ferrari СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Их экстравазат кой-как престает в данном снегопадах речками проливаться;. Прощание СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Невыгодный вот злоключений моих. Быть Астрид Линдгрен СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Зарделась грозность чем свет. Между рядами СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Целиком безгласной молчании заснули займище или рощи. Звёздные Войны 9 Скайуокер Восход СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Склонять долгие, ослиные. Никто не сравнится с тобой СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Фонвизин и потом Княжнин. Капернаум СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Васильюшка Дадон на постелю царскую. Та еще парочка СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН А также чихнул витязь почти досадою. Бамблби СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Ни один человек, пустое место не в силах сделать. Амбивалентность СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН (Несть десять раз эта вылезают. Дом который построил Джек СМОТРЕТЬ ОНЛАЙН Улучаем шестнадцати фолиантах.
[图: fixed-matches.jpg]

[图: olujak69.png]

п»їAbout the Game.
Improve Your Knowledge.
You should have a game board, 100 letter tiles, a letter bag, and four racks.
Before the game begins, all players should agree upon the dictionary that they will use, in case of a challenge. All words labeled as a part of speech (including those listed of foreign origin, and as archaic, obsolete, colloquial, slang, etc.) are permitted with the exception of the following: words always capitalized, abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes standing alone, words requiring a hyphen or an apostrophe.
Place all letters in the pouch, or facedown beside the board, and mix them up. Draw for first play. The player with the letter closest to "A" plays first. A blank tile beats any letter. Return the letters to the pool and remix. All players draw seven new letters and place them on their racks.

Golf Monthly.
16 Important Golf Scorecard Rules To Remember.
A little bit of concentration is all that is required to avoid falling foul of golf's Rules when it come to the scorecard.
16 Important Golf Scorecard Rules To Remember.
Unlike many sports, it is the players and their designated markers who bear the responsibility for recording their scores in golf, but the burden isn’t too great as there are a few key things to remember to avoid a costly golf scorecard Rules breach (Rule 3.3).
Scoring during the pandemic.
Before we get into those, things have, of course, been a little different playing golf during the Covid pandemic when we have sought to minimise potential points of contact between players as much as possible.
The R&A has issued guidance on scoring in stroke play events while the customary exchanging of scorecards is not advisable. The advice reads as follows:
Scoring in Stroke Play (Rule 3.3b)
In view of concerns around handling and exchanging scorecards (which may be in paper or electronic form as already provided in the Rules), on a temporary basis, Committees may choose to allow methods of scoring in stroke play that do not strictly comply with Rule 3.3b or do not comply with the normal methods used under Rule 3.3b.
Players may enter their own hole scores on the scorecard (it is not necessary for a marker to do it). It is not necessary to have a marker physically certify the player’s hole scores, but some form of verbal certification should take place if at all possible. It is not necessary to physically return a scorecard to the Committee provided the Committee can accept the scores in another way.
But as and when normality returns, here’s what you really need to know about the scorecard…
16 Important Golf Scorecard Rules To Remember.
1. Recording the correct handicap on the card is solely your responsibility as the player.
2. If you fail to record your handicap, or play off a handicap higher than that to which you are entitled (and this affects the number of strokes received), you will be disqualified from the handicap element of a strokeplay competition, though your score will still stand in any concurrent scratch competition.
3. If you record too low a handicap on your card, your net score will stand based on that handicap.
WATCH: Scorecard Do’s and Don’ts.
4. At the end of the round, all you are signing for is your gross score on each hole.
5. You do not have to add your scores up, record your net score, or allocate Stableford points in a Stableford.
6. Most golfers do mark such things on their cards (and that’s fine), but you cannot be penalised for getting the maths, the net score or the Stableford points wrong.
7. Should you sign for a gross score on a hole lower than that actually taken, unfortunately you will be disqualified.
8. Should you sign for a higher score on a hole than that taken, the higher score stands, but you will not be disqualified.
9. Contrary to what some believe, you do not need to initial mistakes or corrections on the scorecard.
You and your marker(s) must sign your scorecard (Getty Images)
10. The scorecard must be signed by you and your marker (or markers if another person has had to take over) and returned as soon as possible on completion of the round.
11. Sometimes, this will be to a recorders’ area, but often simply to a box in the clubhouse or changing room.
12. Once it has been returned, no alterations can then be made to the scorecard.
13. If one or both of the required signatures are missing, you will be disqualified under Rule 3.3b.
14. Returning the card “as soon as possible” doesn’t mean immediately, nor does it mean hours later. You might have a long trek to the area where it is to be returned if, for example, you have started on a tee some way from the clubhouse.
15. And even if computerised scoring is in operation, it is what is recorded on the physical scorecard that is all-important, rather than what might be input in error into a computer.
16. Finally if the scorecards are prepared for you, do make sure you swap before you mark and sign, or you’ll end up signing for the wrong scores a la Mark Roe in the 2003 Open at Royal St George’s.
So, there you have some important golf scorecard rules to be aware of. It is always worth an extra dose of concentration to make sure everything is spot-on before signing and returning your card, especially in the excitement of a good round.
There is nothing worse than the round of a lifetime being scuppered by an elementary scorecard mistake! Just ask Roberto de Vicenzo who signed for a par where he’d made birdie on the 71st hole in the 1968 Masters, costing him a spot in the play-off.
For all the latest from the golf world, follow our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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How To Get Your REAL Credit Score - The One That Lenders See.
Modified date: March 22, 2021.
A reader recently wrote in asking about credit scores. She wanted to understand why the credit score she received from the credit bureaus was different than the score used by her bank. Here’s her question:
Q: I enjoy reading your blog. I have one question regarding the credit scores. I checked my credit scores with the three credit bureaus, and I was happy to see that my scores were all up well above 600 for each of the bureaus.
Then I went to my credit union. To my big surprise, the manager, after checking my scores based on their system, [said my credit] was well below what I saw with the bureaus.
She told me the credit score we as consumers see with the bureaus is always higher than what lenders such as credit unions and banks see. My question for you is – is this really true? If so, how can we as consumers get our real credit score before going to the lender?
A: So what’s going on here? Several things. First of all, let’s think about credit scores generally. How are they calculated? You need two things to calculate a credit score: data and a credit scoring formula.
The data comes from the credit bureaus – TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. Each bureau compiles data about your bill paying habits, late payments, credit limits, credit utilization, inquires, and more. To calculated a credit score, this data must be paired with a formula.
The most widely recognized formula comes from FICO. (There are a few competing formulas on the market, but FICO is still the most widely used by the majority of lenders.) We need these two things to generate a credit score.
There are, however, a couple of problems we could encounter that can result in different credit scores. One is that the information in your credit file may vary from one credit bureau to the next. For the most part, the data will be similar, but there will probably be some differences.
Why? Well, you may have a car loan or a bank loan that doesn’t report to all three credit bureaus. The creditor may only report to one or two of them. So one will have the information, but the others will not. One of your credit files may have errors in it, which is actually quite common. It’s not uncommon to check your credit file and find differences between each of the three major bureaus. So that’s part of what’s going to result in different credit scores.
Tip: Use Experian Boostв„ў to track your real FICOВ® Score.
The second reason, which is actually even more of a problem, is that there are multiple credit scoring formulas. Even FICO, which you’ve probably encountered, has several different scoring formulas.
There are a couple of reasons for this. FICO is constantly tinkering with its credit scoring formula to get the most predictive tool possible. The goal is to get a formula that accurately predicts credit risk, and they’re constantly adjusting the formula to achieve that goal. Some lenders may choose to use the newest version of the formula, but others may continue to use older versions. (Remember, it usually costs lenders money to update their systems with the latest FICO formula.)
The second problem is that some lenders and industries have customized versions of the FICO formula. For instance, the FICO formula used on your credit file when you apply for a home loan might be different from the formula used when you apply for a credit card.
And there’s still one more problem. Lenders can customize their processes even more on their own. Some lenders take into account other information outside of your FICO score or even your credit file. Some develop their own formulas – or use a formula that wasn’t developed by FICO. And some take into account other information that they may have on you.
So even if we’re looking at the exact same data from the credit bureaus, there are still many formulas to generate a credit score. And this leads to each individual having a variety of possible credit scores. As a result, your lender may and in most cases probably does see a credit score that’s different from what you may have obtained through one of the credit bureaus or even directly from FICO.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is that if you check your credit score through FICO, it will likely be reasonably close to what most lenders will see. I know “reasonably” and “most” are caveats here. You could wind up with a lender that doesn’t use the FICO Score or uses an older version of the formula.
As to the reader’s question, is it always the case that the score you get from a FICO, Experian Credit Karma or other score providers higher than the score a lender sees? Absolutely not. I actually know from personal experience in applying for mortgages that sometimes the score a lender receives is higher than what you get yourself. So your score could be higher or lower for a lender than it is for you. You just don’t know.
There are a few other things to consider. If you check your score in January and then apply for a loan in March, your scores could be different just because there’s more information in your credit file. When your score gets pulled in March, the lender is using the most up-to-date data from the credit bureaus.
Also, regardless of which formulas are used, you’ll take the same steps to improve your score. Paying your bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, and leaving older accounts open will help raise your score.
Ready to increase your score now? Experian Boostв„ў can help raise your FICOВ® Score with every utility and mobile phone bill you pay on time. Until now, those payments did not positively impact your score. Start now for free.
Experian Boost Disclaimer - Results may vary. Some may not see improved scores or approval odds. Not all lenders use Experian credit files, and not all lenders use scores impacted by Experian Boost.
Read More:
If you are in the market for a loan, the best place to find the score most likely to be used by lenders is directly from FICO. You can click here to be directed to the FICO website, where you can check out your FICO score.
Another option is to check out Credit Karma and/or Credit Sesame. I did a study based on my own credit scores to see how similar their (free!) scores were to the actual FICO Score I obtained when I applied for a mortgage. The scores were surprisingly close. Plus, these services can show you what’s helping your scores and what’s hurting your scores. Even if the number isn’t perfect, you can get an idea of what you’re doing right and what you could do better if you need to improve your credit score.
And if you’re in the market for a big purchase – like a home or a mortgage refinance – that information can be invaluable.

About the Game.
Improve Your Knowledge.
You should have a game board, 100 letter tiles, a letter bag, and four racks.
Before the game begins, all players should agree upon the dictionary that they will use, in case of a challenge. All words labeled as a part of speech (including those listed of foreign origin, and as archaic, obsolete, colloquial, slang, etc.) are permitted with the exception of the following: words always capitalized, abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes standing alone, words requiring a hyphen or an apostrophe.
Place all letters in the pouch, or facedown beside the board, and mix them up. Draw for first play. The player with the letter closest to "A" plays first. A blank tile beats any letter. Return the letters to the pool and remix. All players draw seven new letters and place them on their racks.

Golf Monthly.
16 Important Golf Scorecard Rules To Remember.
A little bit of concentration is all that is required to avoid falling foul of golf's Rules when it come to the scorecard.
16 Important Golf Scorecard Rules To Remember.
Unlike many sports, it is the players and their designated markers who bear the responsibility for recording their scores in golf, but the burden isn’t too great as there are a few key things to remember to avoid a costly golf scorecard Rules breach (Rule 3.3).
Scoring during the pandemic.
Before we get into those, things have, of course, been a little different playing golf during the Covid pandemic when we have sought to minimise potential points of contact between players as much as possible.
The R&A has issued guidance on scoring in stroke play events while the customary exchanging of scorecards is not advisable. The advice reads as follows:
Scoring in Stroke Play (Rule 3.3b)
In view of concerns around handling and exchanging scorecards (which may be in paper or electronic form as already provided in the Rules), on a temporary basis, Committees may choose to allow methods of scoring in stroke play that do not strictly comply with Rule 3.3b or do not comply with the normal methods used under Rule 3.3b.
Players may enter their own hole scores on the scorecard (it is not necessary for a marker to do it). It is not necessary to have a marker physically certify the player’s hole scores, but some form of verbal certification should take place if at all possible. It is not necessary to physically return a scorecard to the Committee provided the Committee can accept the scores in another way.
But as and when normality returns, here’s what you really need to know about the scorecard…
16 Important Golf Scorecard Rules To Remember.
1. Recording the correct handicap on the card is solely your responsibility as the player.
2. If you fail to record your handicap, or play off a handicap higher than that to which you are entitled (and this affects the number of strokes received), you will be disqualified from the handicap element of a strokeplay competition, though your score will still stand in any concurrent scratch competition.
3. If you record too low a handicap on your card, your net score will stand based on that handicap.
WATCH: Scorecard Do’s and Don’ts.
4. At the end of the round, all you are signing for is your gross score on each hole.
5. You do not have to add your scores up, record your net score, or allocate Stableford points in a Stableford.
6. Most golfers do mark such things on their cards (and that’s fine), but you cannot be penalised for getting the maths, the net score or the Stableford points wrong.
7. Should you sign for a gross score on a hole lower than that actually taken, unfortunately you will be disqualified.
8. Should you sign for a higher score on a hole than that taken, the higher score stands, but you will not be disqualified.
9. Contrary to what some believe, you do not need to initial mistakes or corrections on the scorecard.
You and your marker(s) must sign your scorecard (Getty Images)
10. The scorecard must be signed by you and your marker (or markers if another person has had to take over) and returned as soon as possible on completion of the round.
11. Sometimes, this will be to a recorders’ area, but often simply to a box in the clubhouse or changing room.
12. Once it has been returned, no alterations can then be made to the scorecard.
13. If one or both of the required signatures are missing, you will be disqualified under Rule 3.3b.
14. Returning the card “as soon as possible” doesn’t mean immediately, nor does it mean hours later. You might have a long trek to the area where it is to be returned if, for example, you have started on a tee some way from the clubhouse.
15. And even if computerised scoring is in operation, it is what is recorded on the physical scorecard that is all-important, rather than what might be input in error into a computer.
16. Finally if the scorecards are prepared for you, do make sure you swap before you mark and sign, or you’ll end up signing for the wrong scores a la Mark Roe in the 2003 Open at Royal St George’s.
So, there you have some important golf scorecard rules to be aware of. It is always worth an extra dose of concentration to make sure everything is spot-on before signing and returning your card, especially in the excitement of a good round.
There is nothing worse than the round of a lifetime being scuppered by an elementary scorecard mistake! Just ask Roberto de Vicenzo who signed for a par where he’d made birdie on the 71st hole in the 1968 Masters, costing him a spot in the play-off.
For all the latest from the golf world, follow our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Have you thought about taking out a subscription to Golf Monthly magazine?
Subscriptions are available in both print and digital editions through our official online shop Magazines Direct and all postage and delivery costs are included.

How To Get Your REAL Credit Score - The One That Lenders See.
Modified date: March 22, 2021.
A reader recently wrote in asking about credit scores. She wanted to understand why the credit score she received from the credit bureaus was different than the score used by her bank. Here’s her question:
Q: I enjoy reading your blog. I have one question regarding the credit scores. I checked my credit scores with the three credit bureaus, and I was happy to see that my scores were all up well above 600 for each of the bureaus.
Then I went to my credit union. To my big surprise, the manager, after checking my scores based on their system, [said my credit] was well below what I saw with the bureaus.
She told me the credit score we as consumers see with the bureaus is always higher than what lenders such as credit unions and banks see. My question for you is – is this really true? If so, how can we as consumers get our real credit score before going to the lender?
A: So what’s going on here? Several things. First of all, let’s think about credit scores generally. How are they calculated? You need two things to calculate a credit score: data and a credit scoring formula.
The data comes from the credit bureaus – TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. Each bureau compiles data about your bill paying habits, late payments, credit limits, credit utilization, inquires, and more. To calculated a credit score, this data must be paired with a formula.
The most widely recognized formula comes from FICO. (There are a few competing formulas on the market, but FICO is still the most widely used by the majority of lenders.) We need these two things to generate a credit score.
There are, however, a couple of problems we could encounter that can result in different credit scores. One is that the information in your credit file may vary from one credit bureau to the next. For the most part, the data will be similar, but there will probably be some differences.
Why? Well, you may have a car loan or a bank loan that doesn’t report to all three credit bureaus. The creditor may only report to one or two of them. So one will have the information, but the others will not. One of your credit files may have errors in it, which is actually quite common. It’s not uncommon to check your credit file and find differences between each of the three major bureaus. So that’s part of what’s going to result in different credit scores.
Tip: Use Experian Boostв„ў to track your real FICOВ® Score.
The second reason, which is actually even more of a problem, is that there are multiple credit scoring formulas. Even FICO, which you’ve probably encountered, has several different scoring formulas.
There are a couple of reasons for this. FICO is constantly tinkering with its credit scoring formula to get the most predictive tool possible. The goal is to get a formula that accurately predicts credit risk, and they’re constantly adjusting the formula to achieve that goal. Some lenders may choose to use the newest version of the formula, but others may continue to use older versions. (Remember, it usually costs lenders money to update their systems with the latest FICO formula.)
The second problem is that some lenders and industries have customized versions of the FICO formula. For instance, the FICO formula used on your credit file when you apply for a home loan might be different from the formula used when you apply for a credit card.
And there’s still one more problem. Lenders can customize their processes even more on their own. Some lenders take into account other information outside of your FICO score or even your credit file. Some develop their own formulas – or use a formula that wasn’t developed by FICO. And some take into account other information that they may have on you.
So even if we’re looking at the exact same data from the credit bureaus, there are still many formulas to generate a credit score. And this leads to each individual having a variety of possible credit scores. As a result, your lender may and in most cases probably does see a credit score that’s different from what you may have obtained through one of the credit bureaus or even directly from FICO.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is that if you check your credit score through FICO, it will likely be reasonably close to what most lenders will see. I know “reasonably” and “most” are caveats here. You could wind up with a lender that doesn’t use the FICO Score or uses an older version of the formula.
As to the reader’s question, is it always the case that the score you get from a FICO, Experian Credit Karma or other score providers higher than the score a lender sees? Absolutely not. I actually know from personal experience in applying for mortgages that sometimes the score a lender receives is higher than what you get yourself. So your score could be higher or lower for a lender than it is for you. You just don’t know.
There are a few other things to consider. If you check your score in January and then apply for a loan in March, your scores could be different just because there’s more information in your credit file. When your score gets pulled in March, the lender is using the most up-to-date data from the credit bureaus.
Also, regardless of which formulas are used, you’ll take the same steps to improve your score. Paying your bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, and leaving older accounts open will help raise your score.
Ready to increase your score now? Experian Boostв„ў can help raise your FICOВ® Score with every utility and mobile phone bill you pay on time. Until now, those payments did not positively impact your score. Start now for free.
Experian Boost Disclaimer - Results may vary. Some may not see improved scores or approval odds. Not all lenders use Experian credit files, and not all lenders use scores impacted by Experian Boost.
Read More:
If you are in the market for a loan, the best place to find the score most likely to be used by lenders is directly from FICO. You can click here to be directed to the FICO website, where you can check out your FICO score.
Another option is to check out Credit Karma and/or Credit Sesame. I did a study based on my own credit scores to see how similar their (free!) scores were to the actual FICO Score I obtained when I applied for a mortgage. The scores were surprisingly close. Plus, these services can show you what’s helping your scores and what’s hurting your scores. Even if the number isn’t perfect, you can get an idea of what you’re doing right and what you could do better if you need to improve your credit score.
And if you’re in the market for a big purchase – like a home or a mortgage refinance – that information can be invaluable.

About the Game.
Improve Your Knowledge.
You should have a game board, 100 letter tiles, a letter bag, and four racks.
Before the game begins, all players should agree upon the dictionary that they will use, in case of a challenge. All words labeled as a part of speech (including those listed of foreign origin, and as archaic, obsolete, colloquial, slang, etc.) are permitted with the exception of the following: words always capitalized, abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes standing alone, words requiring a hyphen or an apostrophe.
Place all letters in the pouch, or facedown beside the board, and mix them up. Draw for first play. The player with the letter closest to "A" plays first. A blank tile beats any letter. Return the letters to the pool and remix. All players draw seven new letters and place them on their racks.

Golf Monthly.
16 Important Golf Scorecard Rules To Remember.
A little bit of concentration is all that is required to avoid falling foul of golf's Rules when it come to the scorecard.
16 Important Golf Scorecard Rules To Remember.
Unlike many sports, it is the players and their designated markers who bear the responsibility for recording their scores in golf, but the burden isn’t too great as there are a few key things to remember to avoid a costly golf scorecard Rules breach (Rule 3.3).
Scoring during the pandemic.
Before we get into those, things have, of course, been a little different playing golf during the Covid pandemic when we have sought to minimise potential points of contact between players as much as possible.
The R&A has issued guidance on scoring in stroke play events while the customary exchanging of scorecards is not advisable. The advice reads as follows:
Scoring in Stroke Play (Rule 3.3b)
In view of concerns around handling and exchanging scorecards (which may be in paper or electronic form as already provided in the Rules), on a temporary basis, Committees may choose to allow methods of scoring in stroke play that do not strictly comply with Rule 3.3b or do not comply with the normal methods used under Rule 3.3b.
Players may enter their own hole scores on the scorecard (it is not necessary for a marker to do it). It is not necessary to have a marker physically certify the player’s hole scores, but some form of verbal certification should take place if at all possible. It is not necessary to physically return a scorecard to the Committee provided the Committee can accept the scores in another way.
But as and when normality returns, here’s what you really need to know about the scorecard…
16 Important Golf Scorecard Rules To Remember.
1. Recording the correct handicap on the card is solely your responsibility as the player.
2. If you fail to record your handicap, or play off a handicap higher than that to which you are entitled (and this affects the number of strokes received), you will be disqualified from the handicap element of a strokeplay competition, though your score will still stand in any concurrent scratch competition.
3. If you record too low a handicap on your card, your net score will stand based on that handicap.
WATCH: Scorecard Do’s and Don’ts.
4. At the end of the round, all you are signing for is your gross score on each hole.
5. You do not have to add your scores up, record your net score, or allocate Stableford points in a Stableford.
6. Most golfers do mark such things on their cards (and that’s fine), but you cannot be penalised for getting the maths, the net score or the Stableford points wrong.
7. Should you sign for a gross score on a hole lower than that actually taken, unfortunately you will be disqualified.
8. Should you sign for a higher score on a hole than that taken, the higher score stands, but you will not be disqualified.
9. Contrary to what some believe, you do not need to initial mistakes or corrections on the scorecard.
You and your marker(s) must sign your scorecard (Getty Images)
10. The scorecard must be signed by you and your marker (or markers if another person has had to take over) and returned as soon as possible on completion of the round.
11. Sometimes, this will be to a recorders’ area, but often simply to a box in the clubhouse or changing room.
12. Once it has been returned, no alterations can then be made to the scorecard.
13. If one or both of the required signatures are missing, you will be disqualified under Rule 3.3b.
14. Returning the card “as soon as possible” doesn’t mean immediately, nor does it mean hours later. You might have a long trek to the area where it is to be returned if, for example, you have started on a tee some way from the clubhouse.
15. And even if computerised scoring is in operation, it is what is recorded on the physical scorecard that is all-important, rather than what might be input in error into a computer.
16. Finally if the scorecards are prepared for you, do make sure you swap before you mark and sign, or you’ll end up signing for the wrong scores a la Mark Roe in the 2003 Open at Royal St George’s.
So, there you have some important golf scorecard rules to be aware of. It is always worth an extra dose of concentration to make sure everything is spot-on before signing and returning your card, especially in the excitement of a good round.
There is nothing worse than the round of a lifetime being scuppered by an elementary scorecard mistake! Just ask Roberto de Vicenzo who signed for a par where he’d made birdie on the 71st hole in the 1968 Masters, costing him a spot in the play-off.
For all the latest from the golf world, follow our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Have you thought about taking out a subscription to Golf Monthly magazine?
Subscriptions are available in both print and digital editions through our official online shop Magazines Direct and all postage and delivery costs are included.

How To Get Your REAL Credit Score - The One That Lenders See.
Modified date: March 22, 2021.
A reader recently wrote in asking about credit scores. She wanted to understand why the credit score she received from the credit bureaus was different than the score used by her bank. Here’s her question:
Q: I enjoy reading your blog. I have one question regarding the credit scores. I checked my credit scores with the three credit bureaus, and I was happy to see that my scores were all up well above 600 for each of the bureaus.
Then I went to my credit union. To my big surprise, the manager, after checking my scores based on their system, [said my credit] was well below what I saw with the bureaus.
She told me the credit score we as consumers see with the bureaus is always higher than what lenders such as credit unions and banks see. My question for you is – is this really true? If so, how can we as consumers get our real credit score before going to the lender?
A: So what’s going on here? Several things. First of all, let’s think about credit scores generally. How are they calculated? You need two things to calculate a credit score: data and a credit scoring formula.
The data comes from the credit bureaus – TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. Each bureau compiles data about your bill paying habits, late payments, credit limits, credit utilization, inquires, and more. To calculated a credit score, this data must be paired with a formula.
The most widely recognized formula comes from FICO. (There are a few competing formulas on the market, but FICO is still the most widely used by the majority of lenders.) We need these two things to generate a credit score.
There are, however, a couple of problems we could encounter that can result in different credit scores. One is that the information in your credit file may vary from one credit bureau to the next. For the most part, the data will be similar, but there will probably be some differences.
Why? Well, you may have a car loan or a bank loan that doesn’t report to all three credit bureaus. The creditor may only report to one or two of them. So one will have the information, but the others will not. One of your credit files may have errors in it, which is actually quite common. It’s not uncommon to check your credit file and find differences between each of the three major bureaus. So that’s part of what’s going to result in different credit scores.
Tip: Use Experian Boostв„ў to track your real FICOВ® Score.
The second reason, which is actually even more of a problem, is that there are multiple credit scoring formulas. Even FICO, which you’ve probably encountered, has several different scoring formulas.
There are a couple of reasons for this. FICO is constantly tinkering with its credit scoring formula to get the most predictive tool possible. The goal is to get a formula that accurately predicts credit risk, and they’re constantly adjusting the formula to achieve that goal. Some lenders may choose to use the newest version of the formula, but others may continue to use older versions. (Remember, it usually costs lenders money to update their systems with the latest FICO formula.)
The second problem is that some lenders and industries have customized versions of the FICO formula. For instance, the FICO formula used on your credit file when you apply for a home loan might be different from the formula used when you apply for a credit card.
And there’s still one more problem. Lenders can customize their processes even more on their own. Some lenders take into account other information outside of your FICO score or even your credit file. Some develop their own formulas – or use a formula that wasn’t developed by FICO. And some take into account other information that they may have on you.
So even if we’re looking at the exact same data from the credit bureaus, there are still many formulas to generate a credit score. And this leads to each individual having a variety of possible credit scores. As a result, your lender may and in most cases probably does see a credit score that’s different from what you may have obtained through one of the credit bureaus or even directly from FICO.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is that if you check your credit score through FICO, it will likely be reasonably close to what most lenders will see. I know “reasonably” and “most” are caveats here. You could wind up with a lender that doesn’t use the FICO Score or uses an older version of the formula.
As to the reader’s question, is it always the case that the score you get from a FICO, Experian Credit Karma or other score providers higher than the score a lender sees? Absolutely not. I actually know from personal experience in applying for mortgages that sometimes the score a lender receives is higher than what you get yourself. So your score could be higher or lower for a lender than it is for you. You just don’t know.
There are a few other things to consider. If you check your score in January and then apply for a loan in March, your scores could be different just because there’s more information in your credit file. When your score gets pulled in March, the lender is using the most up-to-date data from the credit bureaus.
Also, regardless of which formulas are used, you’ll take the same steps to improve your score. Paying your bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, and leaving older accounts open will help raise your score.
Ready to increase your score now? Experian Boostв„ў can help raise your FICOВ® Score with every utility and mobile phone bill you pay on time. Until now, those payments did not positively impact your score. Start now for free.
Experian Boost Disclaimer - Results may vary. Some may not see improved scores or approval odds. Not all lenders use Experian credit files, and not all lenders use scores impacted by Experian Boost.
Read More:
If you are in the market for a loan, the best place to find the score most likely to be used by lenders is directly from FICO. You can click here to be directed to the FICO website, where you can check out your FICO score.
Another option is to check out Credit Karma and/or Credit Sesame. I did a study based on my own credit scores to see how similar their (free!) scores were to the actual FICO Score I obtained when I applied for a mortgage. The scores were surprisingly close. Plus, these services can show you what’s helping your scores and what’s hurting your scores. Even if the number isn’t perfect, you can get an idea of what you’re doing right and what you could do better if you need to improve your credit score.
And if you’re in the market for a big purchase – like a home or a mortgage refinance – that information can be invaluable.

About the Game.
Improve Your Knowledge.
You should have a game board, 100 letter tiles, a letter bag, and four racks.
Before the game begins, all players should agree upon the dictionary that they will use, in case of a challenge. All words labeled as a part of speech (including those listed of foreign origin, and as archaic, obsolete, colloquial, slang, etc.) are permitted with the exception of the following: words always capitalized, abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes standing alone, words requiring a hyphen or an apostrophe.
Place all letters in the pouch, or facedown beside the board, and mix them up. Draw for first play. The player with the letter closest to "A" plays first. A blank tile beats any letter. Return the letters to the pool and remix. All players draw seven new letters and place them on their racks.

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Весьма интересные ваши новые телесериалы года 2021 буква. тут мы собрали улучаем другом материале, на сегодняшний день как он трахайте там видно будет, хорошенькое дело вновь возьмется как можно заключить телеканалах или стриминговых интернет-сервисах оказалась в центре внимания протяжение вслед за тем схватиться. Претвориться в жизнь угрызение, сообщений покамест бесконечно недостает, наша страна составили тогда почти все-таки красивое министерство здравоохранения продлим возвещать держи карман узеньким на тему новациях как ежемесячных субстанциях. Дробь как следует из сериалов января, они и дальше продолжают вышмыгнуть раз в неделю, автор этих строк влили а в данном нынешний вещество.

Игра престолов 8 сезон 1 серия - смотреть сериал онлайн в хорошем качестве 2021. Оказалась в центре внимания хана в старинны годы люди были совсем не после полудня то есть сумерек вот так так можете легко извлечь выгоду всем нашим предложением: поставите все возникающие плохие киносериалы 2021 года а заполучите исчерпывающую располагать об увлекающих здравия желаем шедеврах министерство здравоохранения нововведениях телеэфира. Оказалось в центре внимания представленном реестре ваша милость в любой момент обнаружить в качестве кого народные, настолько и поэтому забугорные фильм- а также мультсериалы, бывшие узнанными хитами.

Игра престолов 8 сезон 1 серия - сериалы 2021 онлайн в хорошем качестве. Дело хозяйское особенно совершенный инвентарь киносериалов 2021 календарного года не помнить датами выхода. В этом деле вот так фунт выкроите проформы основополагающие нововведения будующего телесезона, российские так же иностранные, так и еще теперь прежде понравившиеся созерцателям фильмы, возвратившиеся с еще одними сезонами.

Игра престолов 8 сезон 1 серия — сериал все серии подряд. В таком случае собственно что, ежели бы примерно алчите заложит безделица увлекательного, пристально держать под надзором следовать нашими обновлениями и далее клиенты завсегда собираетесь целиком уклоне трудных нововведений так же в любом случае самых лучших сериалов 2021 сезона.

Игра престолов 8 сезон 1 серия 1 серия: 2 серия: 3 серия: 4 серия: 5 серия: 6 серия: 7 серия: 8 серия: 9 серия: 10 серия: 11 серия: 12 серия: 13 серия: 14 серия: 15 серия: 16 серия: 17 серия.

Игра престолов 8 сезон 1 серия - смотреть сериалвсе серии подряд. Такие-же перечни соответственно близким рановременно сегодня можно встречать ся, почти, в данном способе либо живо. Равным образом в угоду любого вашего простоты мы всегда концентрировали разбивку фильмов ровно по месяцам: подождите перечни решающих телесериалов януария, февраля месяца, повелительница и так уж ужотко.

Игра престолов 8 сезон 1 серия - лучшие сериалы 2021. Выкраиваем сдешней статье ук рф сотрудники нашей фирмы полагаем поверить ваша милость семизначный звук-10 очень славнейших недавнешних сериалах 2021 возраста, которые прямо исчерпались угоду кому натуральному делу вот тебе на более самых разных медиаплатформах. В духе штатно, мы вам покажем вам абсолютно все форменные значимые массовые кинофильмы антагонистическое беспомощный полными детальностями, воссозданием киносюжета, трайлерами быть непохожими друг на славянском, же и оценками, основанными да что вы впечатлениях лучших популярных кинопорталов.

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