World news - 01.11.21 - 可打印的版本

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World news - 01.11.21 - DewagExics - 11-01-2021

The demonstration of the flag of the US Navy does not make the situation in the world more stable. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, reports TASS.

Thus, the Foreign Minister reacted to the US decision to send the Mount Whitney ship to the Black Sea as part of joint operations with NATO.

"There have been several times when the United States has directly declared the need for its military vessels to enter this water area with the tasks of deterring Russia, preventing the creation of risks from Russia in the Black Sea to American allies. This, of course, does not add stability," he said.

Earlier, the United States announced the conduct of naval operations in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. According to the statement, the headquarters of the Sixth Fleet of the US Navy, as well as naval strike forces and NATO support forces will be responsible for conducting operations.

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