News from around the World - 2.03.21 - 可打印的版本

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News from around the World - 2.03.21 - MarazAcalk - 03-02-2021

The Argentine authorities consider the results of the use of the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus "Sputnik V"to be encouraging. This assessment was given by the assistant to the President of the country Cecilia Nicolini, RIA Novosti reports.

According to Nicolini, the results of the Sputnik V vaccination are encouraging not only in terms of safety and effectiveness, but also in terms of minor side effects. However, she noted that Argentina is interested in access to other Russian vaccine against the coronavirus "Apiversion and Koviak". Nicolini explained that Argentina trusts Russian science and technological development and is confident that these drugs will be of the same quality.

Nicolini added that Argentina plans to start production of the "Sputnik V" in 12-18 months, the exact timing should be determined by the laboratory together with experts and specialists. In addition, time is needed to set up the plant, transfer technology, supply equipment and search for employees.

The Argentine authorities registered the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus "Sputnik V" on December 23. Before that, the government of the country signed a contract for the supply of ten million doses of the Russian drug. Argentine President Alberto Fernandez was vaccinated on January 21. On December 24, the country received the first batch of the drug in the amount of 300 thousand doses.

Sputnik V was developed by the Russian Gamalei Research and Development Center and became the world's first officially registered coronavirus vaccine. It is created on the basis of another adenovirus, in which the coronavirus gene is embedded. When it enters the cells, it forms proteins in them — they cause an immune response and contribute to the appearance of antibodies.

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